Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ion Cell Cleanse at Health Works Chiropractic and Wellness Centre.

The Ion Cell Cleanse! I'm so excited to be offering this treatment at Health Works Chiropractic and Wellness Centre in addition to Reflexology.

In a nutshell: Your feet go into a tub of warm cozy water. I submerge an array into the water, that is attached to the Ion Cell Cleanse machine. I secure a small wrist band to you that is also attached to the Ion Cell Cleanse machine to complete the circuit, it sends a completely painless small current through the body and generates positively charged ions. The high concentration of the ion field attaches to the negatively charged toxins in your body, neutralizing them, and then the body discards the toxins throughthe 2000 pores in your feet. 

If you are still with me, I'll explain more!

The Ion Cell Cleanse is used to cleanse toxins, balance PH, assist in recover from injuries/surgeries, pain management/inflammaiton, increase oxygetn and cell energy levels, enhance the body's ability to heal and rebalance on it's own.

While widely used to increase both the physical and mental energy, vitality and stamina, it can at the same time assist the body in ridding itself of toxins, chemcials, radiation, pollution, synthetics and other foreign material trapped int he skin layers that have clogged up the systmes of elimination. Internally, the mahcine can help to cleanse parasites and detox the liver.

Still with me?

The cleasne can result in less bodiy fluid retention, reduced inflammation, improved memory, greater bladder controld, a more blanaced PH, a stronger immune system, and significant pain relief.


COUPLE this with the Reflexology treatments I offer to really feel how the Ion Cell Cleanse can benefit your system.

Want more info? Email me through my FACEBOOK page, or call the office!