Thursday, October 8, 2015

I love Autumn!

I love Autumn! The cooler weather makes me happy and poetic, the kids are back in school and it seems like order is restored.

Autumn is also the time of year when we get back on track with our wellness routines. It's nice to see all the new and familiar faces in the reflexology chair.

We've been busy at Health Works Chiropractic and Wellness Centre over the summer. The new H2O Massage Table is up and running (and it is DELIGHTFUL. let me tell you. I use it for 10 minutes on Friday eve, for a quick relaxing transition into the weekend.)

The ladies have been busy painting the walls in a new healing colour that we think you'll love. (We love it!)

There are some new practitioners that are coming into the building to add to our diverse staff.

Also, we've still got our HUGE 10th anniversary gift basket draw that takes place in December. Come on in to put your name in the ballot basket!

And of course, give yourself an immunity boost for the upcoming season with a Reflexology session.  (I've got some freebie cards for you to try the H2O Massage Table. )

Happy Autumn!
